이선우 교수 Prof. SunWoo Lee 사진
이선우 교수 Prof. SunWoo Lee
The University of Wisconsin - Madison, 언어학박사
언어학, 통사론, 형태론, 국제정치


[1] Fields of Interest

I have a wide range of interests in linguistics and international politics, especially in Syntax, Semantics, Word Formation, the English Bible syntax, and International affairs, etc. My recent research agenda focuses on Syntax, particularly on English syntax with regard to the Bible, Chinese syntax, and Greek syntax.

[2] Professor/Dean/Professor Emeritus

During my deanship of the English College, I executed in English all the activities---including Domestic & Foreign faculty meetings, Student Presentation contests, and even my speeches to college freshmen and graduates, etc. I also dedicated to producing HUFS’ catch phrase, ‘COME to HUFS, MEET THE WORLD.’ I was also credited with having exercised effective managing leadership in faculty recruitment screening during my deanship, resulting in having more than ten new faculty members in the English College and English Division of both campuses. Furthermore, I had begun to teach all my subjects in English way early in 1980s based on my Army Interpreter Officer’s career and study overseas. Thanks to all these attributes, not to speak of my contributions to the Korean linguistics world, I have been called the ‘Legendary Professor of English.’

[3] Interview with Noam Chomsky

Under the sponsorship of the Monthly JoongAng, which commemorated its 38th anniversary of the foundation, I had a historic interview with Prof. Noam Chomsky, the world renowned intellectual luminary, for two hours at his MIT office in 2006. The result of this interview came out as a book titled, My Dialogue with Noam Chomsky: Korea and International Affairs.

[4] I work at the Professor Emeritus’ office.

[5] Influential YouTuber

Enthusiastically engaged in disseminating my English teaching technology through Youtube leba English Bible Academy, https://www.youtube.com/@EnglishBibleLee

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