[전공 세부영역] Major subjects
실용영어 (Practical English) |
듣기와 말하기 (Listening & Speaking) |
Media English-Listening (1) & (2), Interacting in Spoken English (1) & (2), Becoming a Great Orator (1) & (2), Debating in English (1) & (2), Business Communication (1) & (2) |
읽기와 쓰기 (Reading & Writing) |
Media English-Reading (1) & (2), Intensive Reading (1) & (2), Critical Writing (1) & (2), Critical Reading and Writing (1) & (2), Journalism Reading and Writing (1) & (2), Research Writing (1) & (2) |
언어학이론 (Linguistic Theory) |
이론 (Theoretical) |
고급영어문법(Advanced English Grammar) (1) & (2), 영어학개론(Introduction to English Linguistics) (1) & (2), 영어음운론(English Phonology). 영어형태론(English Morphology), 영어구문론(English Syntax), 영어사(History of English), 영어의미론(English Semantics), 영.한비교언어학(English-Korean Comparative Linguistics), 영어학연구방법론(Research Methods in English Linguistics) |
응용 (Applied) |
언어습득론(Second Language Acquisition), 응용언어학(Applied Linguistics), 영어학과영어교수법(English Linguistics & English Teaching Methods), 영어와담화(English and Discourse), 영어와사회(English and Society), 영어와인지(English and Cognition), 심리언어학(Psycholinguistics), 영어와 영.미문화(British and American Language Culture), 미국의이해(Understanding U.S.A.), 영국의이해(Understanding U.K.) |
언어공학 (Language Technology) |
기초 및 심화 (Basic and Advanced) |
영어음성학(English Phonetics). 컴퓨터와 영어학(Computer & Linguistics), 언어공학개론(Introduction to Linguistics & Language Technology), 영어데이터분석을 위한 통계(Statistics for English Data Analysis) (1) & (2), 영어데이터 처리를 위한 프로그래밍(Programming for English Data Processing) (1) & (2), 영어데이터분석(English Data Analysis), 코퍼스와 언어자료(Corpus and Language Data), 실용자연어처리(Practical Natural Language Processing), 응용자연어처리(Applied Natural Language Processing), 실용음성처리(Practical Speech Processing), 영어분석을 위한 기계학습(Machine Learning for English Data Analysis), 영어와 데이터베이스(English and Database), 언어모델을 위한 프롬프트 엔지니어링 (Prompt Engineering for Language Model) |
* Check out the Course Description page for detailed instructions.
* All language technology courses and English college credit exchange courses are recognized as Theory credits, not Practical English credits.
* The maximum credits that can be recognized as English college credit exchange is 11 credits (Credits exceeding 11 are recognized as free elective credits (not major credits)).
* 언어학이론 및 언어공학 과목은 모두 이론 학점으로 인정
* 영어대교류로 수강한 수업 모두 이론 학점으로 인정(최대 11학점)
* 교직과정 교과교육영역(교과교육론, 교재연구및지도법, 논리및논술) 전공 학점은 이론 학점으로 인정
[학년별 개설 과목] Courses by academic year
Year | Semester | Courses |
1 |
Spring |
Critical Writing (1), Intensive Reading (1), Interacting in Spoken English (1), Media English-Listening (1), Media English-Reading (1), 고급영어문법(Advanced English Grammar) (1) |
Fall |
Critical Writing (2), Intensive Reading (2), Interacting in Spoken English (2), Media English-Listening (2), Media English-Reading (2), 고급영어문법(Advanced English Grammar) (2), 언어공학개론(Introduction to Linguistics & Language Technology) |
2 |
Spring |
Becoming a Great Orator (1), Critical Reading and Writing (1), 영어학개론(Introduction to English Linguistics) (1), 미국의 이해(Understanding U.S.A), 영어데이터 처리를 위한 프로그래밍(Programming for English Data Processing) (1) |
Fall |
Becoming a Great Orator (2), Critical Reading and Writing (2), 영어학개론(Introduction to English Linguistics) (2), 영국의 이해(Understanding U.K.), 영어데이터 처리를 위한 프로그래밍(Programming for English Data Processing) (2) |
3 |
Spring |
Debating in English (1), Journalism Reading and Writing (1), 영어형태론(English Morphology), 영어구문론(English Syntax), 영한비교언어학(English-Korean Comparative Linguistics), 컴퓨터와 영어학(Computer & Linguistics), 영어데이터분석을 위한 통계(Stastics for English Data Analysis) (1), 영어음성학(English Phonetics) |
Fall |
Debating in English (2), Journalism Reading and Writing (2), 영어의미론(English Semantics), 영어음운론(English Phonology), 영어사(History of English), 영어데이터분석(English Data Analysis), 영어데이터분석을 위한 통계(Statistics for English Data Analysis) (2), 코퍼스와 언어자료(TBA) |
4 |
Spring |
Business Communication (1), Research Writing (1), 영어와사회(English and Society), 언어습득론(Second Language Acquisition), 영어와인지(English and Cognition), 실용자언어처리(Practical Natural Language Processing), 영어와데이터베이스(English and Database) |
Fall |
Business Communication (2), Research Writing (2), 영어와담화(English and Discourse), 응용언어학(Applied Linguistics), 영어학과영어교수법(English Linguistics & English Teaching Methods), 심리언어학(Psycholinguistics), 영어와영미문화(British and American Language Culture), 실용음성처리(Practical Speech Processing), 영어분석을 위한 기계학습(Machine Learning for English Data Analysis), 응용자연어처리(Applied Natural Language Processing) |
* Practical English courses and Advanced English Grammar (1) & (2) are 2 credits, and all other courses are 3 credits
(실용영어과목과 고급영어문법 (1)&(2)는 2학점이며, 이를 제외한 모든 과목은 3학점)
* Subjects in red are required courses for the major
[학위 분류 및 학위 취득 요건]
Bachelor of Art (BA) |
Bachelor of Language Science (BLS) |
ⅰ. (07~14학번) 전공 54 학점(전공심화의 경우 75 학점) 이상 이수 ii. (15~17학번) 전공 54 학점(전공심화의 경우 70 학점) 이상 이수 iii. (18학번 이후) 전공 54 학점(전공심화의 경우 70 학점) 중 이론 과목 최소 34 학점 이상 이수 및 실용 과목 최소 12 학점 이상 이수 iv. (이중전공생) (~17학번) 전공 42학점 이상 이수, (18학번 이후) 전공 42학점 중 이론 과목 최소 34학점 이상 이수 및 실용 과목 최소 8학점 이상 이수 |
ⅰ. (17학번 이전) 전공 학점 54학점 (전공심화의 경우 07~14학번은 75 학점/ 15학번 이후는 70학점) 중 언어공학 교과목(언어공학개론 포함) 18학점 이상 이수
iii. (이중전공생) (~17학번) 전공 42학점 중 언어공학 교과목(언어공학개론 포함) 18학점 이상 이수, (18학번 이후) 이론 과목 최소 34학점 중 언어공학 교과목(언어공학개론 포함) 21학점 이상 이수 및 실용 과목 최소 8학점 이상 이수 |
i. (For students who enrolled in 2007 to 2014) 54 credits for Major (Intensive Major. 75 credits) ii. (For students who enrolled in 2015 to 2017) 54 credits for Major (Intensive Major. 70 credits) iii. (For students who enrolled in 2018 and after) 34 credits or more in Theory Courses and 12 credits or more in Practical English Courses out of 54 credits (Intensive Major. 70 credits) iv. (ELLT as double major) - (For students who enrolled in 2017 and before) 42 credits for Major - (For studetns who enrolled in 2018 and after) 34 credits or more in Theory Courses and 8 credits or more in Practical English Courses out of 42 credits |
i. (For students who enrolled in 2017 and before) 18 credits or more in Language Technology Courses(including Introduction to Linguistics & Language Technology) out of 54 credits for Major (Intensive Major. 75 credits for students who enrolled in 2007 to 2014 / 70 credits for students who enrolled in 2015 to 2017) ii. (For students who enrolled in 2018 and after) 21 credits or more in Language Technology Courses(including Introduction to Linguistics & Language Technology) out of 34 credits in Theory Courses and 12 credits or more in Practical English Courses iii. (ELLT as double major) - (For students who enrolled in 2017 and before) 18 credits or more in Language Technology Courses(including Introduction to Linguistics & Language Technology) out of 42 credits for Major - (For students who enrolled in 2018 and after) 21 credits or more in Language Technoloy Courses(including Introduction to Linguistics & Language Technology) out of 34 credits in Theory Courses and 8 credits or more in Practical English Courses |